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Omnichannel Experience

Reimagining Our Business For A Digital Age

In business, the digital revolution continues to accelerate. Technology is ever-advancing, offering a constant stream of new opportunities. Sonepar is harnessing this potential to drive the Group's digital transformation.  

This means reimagining our business for a digital age and becoming a digital enterprise. We aim to harness technologies that can transform business processes, culture, and the customer experience. 


Customer Centric

Above all, it’s about our customers and making their lives easier every day.

To do this, we focus on a personalized and synchronized experience that creates a seamless shopping experience for our customers, allowing them to find and purchase the products they want – when, where, and how they want – with ease.

This enables our customers to save time and money – through better design, support, and partnerships.

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Transformation Has Its Challenges

Our ambition is to become the first global B-to-B electrical distributor in the world to offer the best omnichannel experience to all our customers.

Offering our customers new and more efficient ways of operating. 

Educating our associates to use and deploy our platform locally.   

Ensuring that the technology we invest in delivers on its potential.

A Synchronized Omnichannel Platform

Our customers all have different preferences when it comes to engaging with us.

We are building a seamless, synchronized experience across all channels – putting the power in the hands of the customer, as they choose which method works best for them.

Our omnichannel platform has been built at Group level, ensuring the resilience needed for high-frequency commerce. But it’s also flexible enough to be adapted locally – because delivering better solutions through proximity to our customers is central to what we do.

Sonepar's omnichannel platform makes our customers’ and associates’ lives easier – easier to interact, easier to buy or return products, and easier to arrange financing.


Empowered by the Digital Factory

Our Digital Factory is the result of an innovative strategy, co-created in 2020 with our partner Publicis Sapient, the digital transformation arm of the Publicis Group. The Digital Factory develops digital services, including the Group's global omnichannel platform (Spark). It aims to improve and modernize the customer experience. Sonepar Chief Transformation Officer Jérémie Profeta spoke of this successful collaboration, stating, “With Publicis Sapient, we've been able to speak with one voice and act as one team. Together, we have embarked on this extraordinary journey to become the first global B-to-B electrical distributor providing a fully digitalized and synchronized omnichannel experience to all customers.”

Today, this joint team gathers over 300 engineers with 15 nationalities.

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Harnessing Data To Better Serve Customers

As customers and in a single, central location: Sonepar’s Data Lake. The scope for data collection is vast, covering costs and prices, volumes, timing, returns, and more.

As the data lake grows, it also provides insights into patterns and trends, behaviors, and motivating factors. It can even help automate processes such as taking inventories, and both streamlining and anticipating challenges related to shipping logistics.

Protecting Data and Your Online Experience 

As we embrace our transformation to become a truly digital enterprise, the value and importance of our data grows. That’s why, more than ever, protecting data is one of our highest priorities. We see cybersecurity as the responsibility of all our associates, whatever their role.

As with protecting anything of value, there must be relentless diligence and distinct processes in place, taking a methodical approach toward constant improvement and protection.

Cyber threats are constantly evolving and becoming more sophisticated, and so too must the measures we use to protect against them. As a result, we are clear that, as our commitment to digital evolution progresses, our commitment to cyber-security will progress in equal measure.


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Why Work With Us

We are “Powered by Difference”.

We’re driving our digital transformation forward, and playing a key role in the energy transition, all while maintaining the highest standards on ethics and compliance.

Compliance and integrity

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