
Article from Mediapart & Sonepar Answer


Sonepar wishes to state that the allegations contained in the article are untrue and distorted, and that the Company‘s market practices are in compliance with competition law.

Following the publication on the news website Mediapart of an article titled “Secret Deal Among French Electrical Equipment Makers and Distributors,” Sonepar wishes to state that the allegations contained in the article are untrue and distorted, and that the Company‘s market practices are in compliance with competition law.

The Company also wishes to stress that integrity and ethics are central to what it demands of its employees, collectively and individually, and that for several years now the Company has had rules and structures in place that are designed to prevent the risk of fraud in particular and to take action against any demonstrated violations.

Furthermore, Sonepar has filed suit against unnamed parties, given that the abovementioned article includes excerpts from an internal, confidential document, whose disclosure to third parties can be equated with theft or a breach of trust prejudicial to Sonepar.