2022.02.14 Sonepar Welcomes Students to Participate in the 8th Edition of their Scholarship Program in Spain

Sonepar Welcomes Students to Participate in the 8th Edition of their Scholarship Program in Spain


Eight years ago, Sonepar implemented its Associate Program (Programa Emplea) in Spain, which aims to improve the employability prospects of young people.

Each year, roughly 100 students are welcomed into the program and given internships throughout various departments within the company, including Electricity, Administration, Telecommunications, Warehouse Assistant Activities, and Electrical & Automatic Installations.

In December 2021, 97 students received their certifications and many of them have since been hired at Sonepar as commercial technicians, administrators, or warehouse operatives.

Educational opportunities are also provided to associates already within Sonepar, as eligible candidates can apply to the Company Training Scheme (Plan Formativo de la empresa), which offers multiple training courses across a myriad of specialities.

This ethos extends beyond the company's warehouses and offices, as dozens of webinars and technical seminars are also available to their customers!

About Sonepar in Spain

Founded in 1986, Sonepar Ibérica is the leading company in the B-to-B distribution of electrical equipment and related solutions in Spain. With more than 115 branches spread throughout the Spanish geography and we are present in the market through our seven commercial OPCOS: AME, Dielectro Balear, Dielectro Canarias, Dielectro Industrial, Dimel, Guerin and Hispanofil. We offer our clients integral solutions and services in our business areas: Industry, Lighting, Telecom & Data, Cable, Medium Voltage, Security & EPIS, Building Automotion & Domotics, Air Conditioning, Electric Vehicle, Renewable and Sanitary Energies and Plumbing.

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